Thursday 3 April 2014

A post about nothing

I'm actually writing this as I'm sitting at home with a slight headache and nothing to do - I'm feeling a bit lost?!
So I thought I would just write about nothing.

Yesterday I taught my second "Wirbelsaeulengymnastik" class which went well (I hope!) and I'm listening to a song I used for it as it's so relaxing and beautiful.
I'm so nice I'll even share it with you:
Sarah McLachlan - Angel

Yesterday I rode my bike for the first time since last Autumn, it is safe to say, I almost died! How unfit I am with riding a bike is actually unbelievable, however I was also exactly the same a year ago when I got my bicycle - getting overtaken by every Granny in Munich! But after a while I got used to it and then it wasn't so much hard work, which will hopefully happen again within the next few weeks.
I took this photo after I had just come home and showered and was generally exhausted. The journey in the morning was refreshing, but on the way home the sun was so hot and I was so thirsty and my legs just didn't work any more! Anywho I have survived and will ride my bicycle tomorrow again.

In other news now that we're in Summer Semester we get to do athletics outdoors! I have to admit - I've never really been much of a sports fan. Even if I am doing a sport and dance course... Dance just always interested me more! But I'm happy to say that I actually really like sports, even if I'm not amazing at them it doesn't even matter! And to find something new that I love makes me soooo happy!
This a bad photo of the track where we do running, sprinting, high jump, long jump and hurdles! Today we ran 2km and I did it in 12 minutes - which I think is around average. It's so refreshing to get to do sport outside as the rest of the time we're in a sportshall where you barely see any sunlight!

Tomorrow I have a "Lernprobe" - I have to teach the class for 30 minutes whilst my teacher watches. As it's our first time doing this we can choose what ever we want so as I only found out today (me and another brave girl said we would do it with such short notice) I just decided to make it easy and do my wirbelsaeulengymnastik class! Hopefully it goes well.
And now if you excuse me, Germany's Next Top Model is on in four minutes and I have to make myself some tea!

Ps I don't recommend Germany's Next Top - like all the other shows out there it's staged and dramatic for no apparent reason, with 16 year old girls running about and crying everywhere. Sadly there is nothing else on TV!
Update: Ha!! I just turned the TV on and they were all already crying! To practice for a photo shoot where they have to cry.. well not like they'll have much trouble there...

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