Thursday 27 September 2012


Sooo update on mirror, I went back down there this morning again (if anyone sees me they must think I'm mental going down to look at a mirror every day at half 6 in the morning) and I managed to unstick the top bit of the two mirrors! Yay! So I think I'll go down again tomorrow morning and take both mirrors up to my room and pull them apart there hahaha :)
After school we went shopping, we went to a sports shop and the guy who worked in there was so high he followed us around talking to us about Italy ahaha, I also bought my first german purchase which is just a top to roll around in on the floor in dancing so not very exciting ---------------------------------------->
I went to the bakery to get cake on my way home and the guy laughed at me for a while as they didn't have the cake I wanted so I was a bit lost :(
Umm other than that my washing is piling up and I need to tidy my place!
Food looks yummy though right?

Almost the weekend!

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